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Latest revision as of 21:08, 26 April 2011

Test syntax highlighting


<table align=center style="background: ivory;color:maroon;font-style:italic;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:10pt;"> 
<tr><th> Heading 1 </th><th> Heading 2 </th></tr>
<td style="padding:10px;"> This is cell 1 text </td>
<td style="padding:10px;"> This is cell 2 text </td>


digraph depends {
  gen -> snmp;
  snmp -> gen;
  tnl -> gen;
  tnl -> snmp;
  gsm -> gen;
  diameter -> gen;
  diameter -> snmp;
  mxp -> gen;
  mxp -> snmp;
  mxp -> tnl;
  sctp -> gen;

  IIW -> diameter;
  IIW -> snmp;
  IIW -> gen;
  IIW -> gsm;
  IIW -> mxp;
  IIW -> tnl;
  IIW -> sctp;


  # Split the addr-tuple into IP address and port
  (@split_data) = split(/:/, $address);
  if (@split_data == 2) {
    # IPv4 address and port
    ($address,$port) = @split_data;
  } elsif (@split_data > 2) {
    # IPv6 address and port
    $port = pop(@split_data);
    $address = join(":",@split_data);
    # This converts any proper [ip:v6::add:ress:es] to remove the brackets
    $address =~ s/[\[\]]//g;
  } else {
    print STDERR "Error, not in the form of address:port: $key\n";

Test of an in-wiki dot/graphviz markup

Simple Graph

<graphviz renderer='neato' caption='Hello Neato' format='svg'> graph EXAMPLE2 {

               node  [fontsize=9];
  run -- intr;
  intr -- runbl;
  runbl -- run;
  run -- kernel;
  kernel -- zombie;
  kernel -- sleep;
  kernel -- runmem;
  sleep -- swap;
  swap -- runswap;
  runswap -- new;
  runswap -- runmem;
  new -- runmem;
  sleep -- runmem;

} </graphviz>


<graphviz renderer="fdp"> digraph depends {

 gen -> snmp;
 snmp -> gen;
 tnl -> gen;
 tnl -> snmp;
 gsm -> gen;
 diameter -> gen;
 diameter -> snmp;
 mxp -> gen;
 mxp -> snmp;
 mxp -> tnl;
 sctp -> gen;

 IIW -> diameter;
 IIW -> snmp;
 IIW -> gen;
 IIW -> gsm;
 IIW -> mxp;
 IIW -> tnl;
 IIW -> sctp;

} </graphviz>

Digraph with clusters

<graphviz> digraph G {

   subgraph cluster_0 {
       label = "hello world";

a -> b; a -> c; color = hot_pink;

   subgraph cluster_1 {

label = "MSDOT"; style= "dashed"; color=purple; x -> y; x -> z; y -> z; y -> q;

   top -> a;
   top -> y;
   y -> b;

} </graphviz>


<graphviz> digraph G {

   xyz [label = "hello\nworld",
   node [style=filled];
  1. Colors can be hue, saturation, brightness,
   red [color="0.0 1.0 1.0"];
  1. or colors can be red green blue,
   green [color="#00FF00"];
  1. or colors can be named.
   blue [color=blue, fontcolor=black];
   cyan [color=cyan];
   magenta [color=magenta];
   yellow [color=yellow];
   orange [color=orange];
   red -> green;
   red -> blue;
   blue -> cyan;
   blue -> magenta;
   green -> yellow;
   green -> orange;

} </graphviz>

Message sequence graph

<mscgen format='svg'>

  1. Fictional client-server protocol

msc {

arcgradient = 8;
a [label="Client"],b [label="Server"];
a=>b [label="data1"];
a-xb [label="data2"];
a=>b [label="data3"];
a<=b [label="ack1, nack2"];
a=>b [label="data2", arcskip="1"];
a<=b [label="ack3"];

} </mscgen>

Show more message-sequence commands


  1. MSC for some fictional process

msc {

 hscale = "2";
 a->b [ label = "ab()" ] ;
 b->c [ label = "bc(TRUE)"];
 c=>c [ label = "process(1)" ];
 c=>c [ label = "process(2)" ];
 c=>c [ label = "process(n)" ];
 c=>c [ label = "process(END)" ];
 a<<=c [ label = "callback()"];
 ---  [ label = "If more to run", ID="*" ];
 a->a [ label = "next()"];
 a->c [ label = "ac1()\nac2()"];
 b<-c [ label = "cb(TRUE)"];
 b->b [ label = "stalled(...)"];
 a<-b [ label = "ab() = FALSE"];

} </mscgen>

MSC using boxes


  1. Example MSC using boxes

msc {

  # The entities
  A, B, C, D;
  # Small gap before the boxes
  # Next four on same line due to ','
  A box A [label="box"],
  B rbox B [label="rbox"],
  C abox C [label="abox"],
  D note D [label="note"];
  # Example of the boxes with filled backgrounds
  A abox B [label="abox", textbgcolour="#ff7f7f"];
  B rbox C [label="rbox", textbgcolour="#7fff7f"];
  C note D [label="note", textbgcolour="#7f7fff"];

} </mscgen>